Wonder by Rj Palacio


    August Pullman, the main character in the novel Wonder, is born with a face that is different from others. Auggie's mother wants to send him to school after homeschooling him up until this point in his life, but his father is uncertain because he doesn't want August to be bullied for being different. His mom takes him to the school to check it out where he meets Jack, Charlotte, and Julian who give Auggie a tour of the school. On the first day of school, students gave him weird looks because Auggie was different, and Julian goes out of his way to tease August. Despite this August makes friends with Jack and Summer. Auggie is excited about Halloween, which is his favorite holiday, all the kids were dressed up in their costumes at school. Auggie has gone to class, but when he got there he heard his friend Jack say mean things about him behind his back. Skipping forward in the book Jack makes amends with Auggie and they become friends again, but Julian starts putting mean notes in both their lockers. Coming up was a nature retreat trip which Julian wasn't able to go on because of the mean comments he had made. During this field trip, Auggie gets bullied by some older students, but luckily for Auggie, his friends were there to help him. At the end of the book, he realizes that others have warmed up to him and treated him better, and he thanks his mom for sending him to school.

      I enjoyed this book and think most people would too. This book is engaging as it draws the reader in with Auggies realistic problem. I like that this book is told by multiple characters. It starts out with Auggie telling his story and the struggle she lives through then goes to his sister talking about what it's like having her parent's attention go to her brother. This book has quotes that make you question Auggies predicament and details that help you create a mental movie of it. I would rate this book a 4.5 out of 5 as I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it to others to read.


  1. Hi Adam, great review. I remember reading this book in fourth grade with you. I can tell you put a lot of effort in this review. I also enjoyed this book. What was your favorite character.

  2. Good review. I have only ever watched the movie and I loved it. I might think about reading this book if it is as good as the movie is. The way you described it, it sounds better than the movie.

  3. Hi Adam, I remember reading this book in about 4th grade, and reading this review I got a lot of memories returning. It's always weird looking at a book you've already read and forgotten, and remembering what the characters, plot, etc. This review was a nice, short summary of the book with minimal spoilers.

  4. Hi Adam,
    I read Wonder in 5th grade and enjoyed it a lot. I also watched the movie, but I liked the book better.

  5. Hey Adam, I haven't read the book but I have seen the movie. It looks like there could be some controversy between the two so maybe I might pick up the book to see which one is better.

  6. I read this book in 4th grade too and we got to go to the movies to watch Wonder when it came out.

  7. Like everybody else here, I read this book around fifth grade, while the school was obsessed with it, and we got to see the movie when it came out. I remember enjoying it at the time, but was forced to read it, which may have ruined some parts for me. Good review!

  8. I also read this book in 5th grade and I really liked it. Good review, you keep it concise while giving the reader plenty of details and not spoiling the book.


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